JK |
(People who use this bit successfully) |
JK |
Mark Bugni |
Winner of the
2012 BFA
$100,000 $uper$takes Slot Race |
Mary Walker |
Winner of:
All-American Finals (Waco, Texas) |
Ellensburg Rodeo (Washington) |
Missoula Stampede (Montana) |
Snake River Stampede (Nampa,
Idaho) |
Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo |
Navajo Nation Fourth of July PRCA
Rodeo (Window Rock, Arizona) |
Earl Anderson Memorial Rodeo
(Grover, Colorado) |
Ute Mountain Roundup (Cortez,
Colorado) |
Ken Lance Memorial (Ada,
Oklahoma) |
Flint Hills Rodeo (Strong City,
Kansas) |
Rodeo Killeen (Texas) |
Co-Champion at the Chisholm Trail
Stampede PRCA Rodeo (Duncan, Oklahoma) |
Arcadia All_FLA Championship
Rodeo |
Perculatin names 2012 AQHA/WPRA
Barrel Horse of the Year |
It's official - the new world champion
is Mary Walker riding Perculatin in the
LOOMIS GAG BIT! What a wonderful
story and what a great job of riding!
Records are made to be broken and Mary
broke a bunch of them! WOW!
Barrel racing has a new Queen!
From attending the WNFR last year in a
wheel chair with a broken heart over the
loss of her son and a broken body from a
barrel racing fall to become the highest
WNFR money earner and TOP GUN!
$274,233 in earnings for the year, new
Dodge Ram, and even best dressed!
Thanks Mary for teaching us the
real meaning of COWBOY UP! |
Hallie Melvin |
Hallie grew up in a family that raised horses and
has been training barrel horses since high school. Now she has
become a highly successful as a futurity trainer. Each futurity
season she campaigns four to five horses. Her mission is to make
barrel horses that do well as futurity horses and then go on and
become great rodeo horses. She is a firm believer in starting them
slowly and building their confidence in the arena. She wants the
horses to love to run barrels not just to do what they are told.
Horse people know that if a horse likes their job then they will
perform at their best and also be happier and willing. |
Charlotte Cunningham
Charlotte Cunningham makes this statement: “The
original Loomis gag is great for every part of training and running
barrel horses. I use it as the first bit to put on young horses
because I can get stop and bend with it without frightening them.
I like to use it as a tune up bit because I can lighten a horse up
without a curb that most horses are accustomed to pushing on. I
like to make runs in it because it has plenty of rate plus you can ask a
horse to turn back quickly without a curb chin hitting them.”
Kim Thomas |
Kim Thomas and Dynas Plain Special trained by Kim and
owned by Jud Little. This talented pair are winners. They show off the "Loomis Gag bit"
in a special way. Great horse, great training, and great hands make
for a lot of great wins. |
Above photos courtesy of Dan Hubbell of Casper,
Wyoming |
She is the first and only person to win every go round of the
World Championship Barrel Futurity in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She
did all this in a Loomis gag bit with no tie down. Her mount
was Willie Nick Bar. The year was 1997 and her prize money was
$64,000. Since that thime, Dena has won many more dollars in
her Loomis gags. Congratulations, Dena, it has been fun
watching you on the way up.
To read, click
Dena Training & Tips
on barrel racing Dena Kirkpatrick basic Articles from The Quarter
Horse Journal, December 1998 and January 1999.
Favorite Bits - You-Tube video of a section taken from her training
Click Here |
Bit Basics With Dena Kirkpatrick August
Barrel Horse News |
Joyce with questions or comments
about this web site.
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