Hi friends of Christ, Cowboy Churches, Cowboys, Cowgirls, Horse Folks, Church folks and friends of Little Lambs,


Since I last wrote to you, the land has been purchased inside favela Cachoerinha and the footings are being dug as we speak for the first church– see pictures below. I am so excited about building a church for these people for several reasons. First of all, I know that God is into this project. When people start handing me money and saying……Put this on the project……it is amazing! Another reason is that it is amazing to see many people from different countries wanting to take part in planting a church.


When I was growing up in the mountains, I have been reminded lately of how my grandmother, Hattie, started a little Sunday School in the Cliff valley. There was a little club house there that became our church. To this day, when I go back to that area and see that little building, I think of all of the fond memories I have of being taught about Jesus Christ there, coloring, and meeting with other children.


We have so many churches in America. Imagine what it would be like to grow up without one. I know that the building is not the church, but it is a place to meet with God, to pray, to learn and to be with other believers. I know that this building will be a center for many other things also. This church will change many lives now and in the years to come.


If you want to be a part of planting the first church in favela Cachoerinha, please send your donations to me. I in turn deliver every penny that you send me to Pastor Peter and his wife Jodi Brennan. In case you were not in on Phase one of this project – please go to my website and click on Little Lambs. It will explain what has already transpired on my last trip to Brazil. www.loomis-kernek.com

Here is how you can take part in this church built by many people :


You can send checks or cash to me at:

Joyce Kernek Little Lambs

16423 Cotton Gin Avenue

Wayne, Oklahoma 73095

Write your name clearly with address to receive your tax exempt donation letter and a thank you from Brazil. Please feel free to forward this to any other persons that you believe would like to be a part of building a church.

You can also use Pay Pal on my web site: www.loomis-kernek.com Pay Pal is on my order page Just make a note on Pay Pal that you are sending this for LITTLE LAMBS.

God bless you – Proverbs 19:17 Love, Joyce for Little Lambs


From: Jodi Brennan
Subject: RE: Little Lambs church and land


Hello Joyce,

Great to hear from you. Wow, sounds like the health issues in the states are going from bad to worse! Keep us posted as to your surgery- we’ll be praying.

Your story about Ashley is so funny- funny how the Lord puts people in our paths! Praise the Lord J

As for the church land in favela Cachoerinha…..I wrote to you a short while back telling you about the two lots that Pete was going to purchase. Well, he did- by faith! We now have two lots in that favela and have started working on getting a base (foundation) started. Pete has been praying and seeking confirmation from the Lord about building, as recently as even this morning during devotion/prayer time with our team, and then your email came in. It was like a light bulb popped on in his eyes and also in Anderson eyes when I was talking to them about the fundraising. They looked at each other and said “confirmation”?! Here are some recent pictures of our team cleaning and clearing out the two lots in preparation for building. It’s been raining a lot here lately which has slowed us up a bit. We have a huge team (30 people) of high school teens and their chaperones coming on the 29th of this month from Tennessee so we’ll probably put them to work somehow helping out there.