Little Lambs – Joyce Loomis Kernek


I have been going to Brazil since 1995. I have met some wonderful people and seen a lot of clinics and shows and ranches. It is a wonderful country! But, like any country, it has people in need of help. On my very first trip to Brazil, I was introduced to the slums – known there as Favelas. You can Google this word and find many pictures of Favelas. They have recently been written about because of the Olympics coming to Rio in 2016. You can read about Favelas in the October issue of National Geographic Magazine.


I had never seen children living in such conditions and can never get out of my mind the haunting picture of children scratching in garbage heaps and little children caring for other little children. It is a heart wrenching sight that changes you forever and makes one realize what we take for granted in this country. On my last trip to Brazil, I met a Pastor and his wife who are working with favelas. You can Google their site from the link at the top of this page. As God would have it, I met them through an intern that came to stay at our ranch . Their ministry property is very near her ranch. I witnessed their ministry first hand and saw how they give their ALL to bringing help to these poor people.


I met a little girl named Beatriz. Pastor Peter and Jodi are in the process of adopting her. She was the brightest child and had the most beautiful spirit. Here is her story told in short by Pastor Peter:


Beatriz is a little girl that we got to know in the favelas. She was abused by her biological father when she was two and he went to jail. Fearing he would be released and try to hurt her again her grandmother took her and fled to another state, Sao Paulo. There she lived in a ramshackle, rat infested little hut made of scraps of wood, plastic and whatever else. Her grandmother is a drug addict and prostitute. Beatriz saw so much drug use, improper sexual behavior and violence in the areas where she lived. We came to know her when she was three years old. She and her grandmother and cousin lived in extremely decrepit conditions with no toilet, no water, no food, etc. She was left alone a lot at night while her grandmother prostituted herself and used drugs. Pete was always, always visiting, praying for and helping out this family and to make a very long story a little shorter…he won her heart. She slowly trusted him more and more up to the point that she was ready to leave the favela with him to come to our house temporarily when she was 6 years old. That “temporary” visit turned into a ‘permanent” stay and she’s now been with us for almost 3 years. We are still in the adoption process but it is hopefully nearing the end. Before coming here she had never been to school, had no identifying documents, and never had any vaccinations. Her life now is stable and she is growing physically, mentally and spiritually each and every day.


Brazil has many people that could help Beatriz and children like her. The problem is that people are afraid that the money given to these children never actually reach them. It is the same thing that happens a lot of times with donations. It states in the National Geographic magazine that “People are sure the money will somehow be stolen”. I have prayed to do something for those children and saw clearly how I could be the go between to carry finances to Pastor Peter and Jodi. I have seen the ministry and I can verify that it is awesome and there is NO waste in this ministry.


So, it is on my heart to ask anyone who would like to donate to Little Lambs to get the money to me as soon as possible. I will leave for Brazil on October 28th. I will go to the ranch of Thomas Souza. There we will have a clinic, a show and a fundraiser for the Little Lambs. I do not want any clothes, food or toys. It is best to take money and they can buy what they need for these children. Our American dollar is double the Real (Brazilian money). So, for every dollar that I can raise, it will turn into two. I will accept any amount of money – nothing is too small.


You can send checks or cash to me at:


Joyce Kernek Little Lambs

16423 Cotton Gin Avenue

Wayne, Oklahoma 73095


You can also use Pay Pal on my web site: Just make a note on Pay Pal that you are sending this for LITTLE LAMBS.


If you cannot contribute to this fund, please say some prayers for the little children and for those who are trying to help them. I will be on mission there November 5th with Pastor Peter and Jodi. I will send more pictures when I return about November 11th. It is hard to understand such poverty until you actually see it with your own eyes. I cannot accurately describe it to you. Thank you and may God bless you!


Joyce Kernek