Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places

In the 20th chapter of John, it tells us how Mary Magdalene went to the tomb where they had laid Jesus Christ and she saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance.  She ran and told Peter and John that the Lord had been taken out of the tomb and then they raced to look into the tomb.  Peter must have been the fastest runner because he reached the tomb first.   Mary was so stressed out when she didn't find Jesus there that she began to cry.  The men left, but Mary continued to stand there and cry.   These people were looking for love - the greatest love ever given to mankind.  For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten Son, that whosoever should believe in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16   There is a God-hole in each of us that we are longing to fill.  It is the God hole - the hole that can only be fulfilled by the perfect love of Jesus Christ. 

We humans look for that love in all the wrong places.  We can spend our lives looking into empty tombs. When we find that they are empty, we are like Mary - we become disappointed and stressed. We look to be fulfilled by our families as we grow up.  There are no perfect families.  Some nurture and grow their children better than others, but none are perfect.  That old river runs dry sooner or later.  We look to our professions to fulfill us.  I used to think that if I could just win one more championship, then I would be completely happy and fulfilled.  That old dog won't hunt.  Fame is fickle and it will let you down.  We look to relationships to fulfill us.  Some even live in sinful relationships looking for that hole to fill up.  That old crow won't fly. The wages of sin is always death in our spirit. 

Some look to marriages to complete their lives.  When it does not bring the peace that they wanted, they are on the search for a new mate or a new relationship.  That old pot won't cook either.   I know many people who are looking for winning and their horses to bring them great joy.  That old paint won't dry.  It will seem great for a time, but soon someone else is winning and horses can die or let you down. 

Some live through their children - spending their lives hauling their children to all the things that they think will bring completeness.  That has some joys and some rewards, but sooner or later, the children grow up and leave.  Some look for relief through alcohol, drugs, overeating, traveling, overworking, etc.  All of those tombs are as empty as the tomb that Mary, Peter and John looked in.  Jesus Christ comes into our hearts through the empty tomb.  He conquered death and the grave and rose to pave the road to the only fulfillment that mankind will ever know. He went up on the cross and through the tomb as a willing sacrifice for us.   He is no longer hanging on the cross or laying in the grave.  His arms are open today to receive you into the Kingdom of Heaven.  If you have never accepted Gods gift of perfect love, this is the perfect time.  Perhaps you have already accepted Him and just need to hear again today how much He loves you and that you once you have embraced His perfect love, all other things in your life will be second to that love.  It is then that you will realize the true meaning of Easter....the day we celebrate the empty tomb.  The Christ of the empty tomb is the Christ that will fill your heart, your life and your future eternally.  Happy Empty Tomb Day!