Know When Your Horse
is Ready to Speed Up
Joyce Loomis-Kernek In
the past we have analyzed some problems that might occur on the first barrel and
some possible solutions to those problems. In this issue, we will talk about
something that causes many problems
in competition. Often at clinics I am asked, “How do I know when my horse is
ready for competing?” and “How do I know when to really push them?” I
have a saying, “When your horse is understanding everything you are showing
him, he will get quieter, better and faster. When he is not understanding
everything you are showing him, or he is not ready for the next step, he will
get fussy, worse and slower.” The slower you go in the early training stages,
the faster you will go for a longer period of time. A horse that is trained slow
enough to understand the steps and then speeded up as he shows understanding of
the steps will have a longer career. Futurities
are now paying such large amounts of money. With so many of these futurities,
horses are being trained by the calendar. This is a situation that often leads
to pushing a horse before he is ready. If the calendar says you have a certain
amount of time to get faster times from the horse, and he is not ready, the
results are not conducive to sound-minded horses. Some of the results are horses
that start dreading their job, horses that are not sure of their job and ones
that are losing their gather and pocket. The
reality of this situation is that the horse is running faster, but will get
slower times. So, as we trouble-shoot coming into the arena, getting a good
solid start, knowing where to gather, where you are taking the horse into the
turn and how to come out of the first turn, we should ask, “Is my horse solid
in each step that led up to this point? Did he understand the training at a
walk, trot, canter and then a full run? Was he confident in each stage? Is he as
confident away from home as he is at home?” There
is another thing that we need to consider since we are training and competing on
horses at young ages. I have seen horses that peaked out in their 4-year-old
year, to later fall apart and quit working. I attended a session at EQUITANA USA
in 1999 on championship jumping where Aaron Vale was answering questions. Vale
is a member of the U.S. Equestrian Team. He has won 10 Grand Prix on seven
different horses. I asked him when they tried to peak a world-class jumper. His
answer was: “We try not to let a young horse peak, but rather keep them held
back for the simple reason that when a young horse peaks, he does not usually
have a long career. We try to keep them held back until they are older so that
they will last for a long time.” We are starting horses younger than we used to and pushing them harder. As we look for things that potentially cause problems, we need to think about what Vale said. Few horses can peak early and remain a great horse. A horse will never reach his full potential if he did not solidly understand each stage up to his competition. A horse will actually tell you when he is ready to speed up; barrel racers just need to learn to read the signs. |